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Nomad Kiteboarding Stock Twintips
The very best Twintips in kiteboarding
Direct sales, special offers, we hold a limited stock in Germany of popular Carbon-wave twin-tip models. Shipping within 48hrs. Stock boards are built identical to our custom kiteboards, they follow exactly the same production system. Flex systems are standardized for average rider weights and footstrap positions use multiple inserts.
Please fill in the black boxes with your name, email and Country, please don't forget your email - we need your email to contact you !! - Please also tick the boxes of the items you want to buy.
Click the "Send order to Nomad" button when finished. Thanks... Give us a couple of hours and we shall get back to you.
spacer Sale CC-wave
Extras for your Nomad twintip..
Extras for your Nomad twintip..
Please remember to enter your email into the black box at the top of the page, we need your email to contact you.!!
When finished please click the "Send order to Nomad" button on the right of the screen.
We shall get back to you directly with a paypal payment slip detailing your order.
You don't have a paypal account ?, no problem paypal payment slips can be payed with most credit cards without having a Paypal account. On receiving payment we shall ship within 48 hrs.
Any questions or special requirements please let us know in the Special message box above. Thankyou.
Nomad Kiteboarding
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About us
Nomad Kiteboarding is an international water-sports company based in Germany, with our main material testing in Tarifa, Spain. Our vision is of producing the perfect kiteboard....
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Our address....
Nomad Custom Boards
Heiligenbreite 22
88662, Uberlingen, Germany
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2001-2025 © NOMAD all rights reserved "Beautiful on the outside , rocket science on the inside"